Englisch Referat

      Englisch Referat

      also, ich muss dieses jahr die eurocom abschluss prüfung machen und da hab ich als referat thema mopeds genommen. lests mal durch und sagt was ich noch dazu schreiben könnte oder anderst machen könnte. THX
      (manches ist n bissle zus. gelogen und erfunden, aber die lehrer haben da eh kein plan von) (und was zylinder bearbeiten auf englisch heißt weiß ich au net drum hab ich halt 70cc zylinder hingeschrieben)

      What are mopeds?
      A moped is a bike with a little engine with circa 3PS. There are some mopeds with automatic gearing. This motor changes self the gear. It is very easy to drive with them but not so funny how with a hand gear engine. The most mopeds have a handgear with 4 or 5 gears.
      The engines need a mixture of oil and petrol.

      Why don`t you see not so much mopeds today?
      The biggest reason is that the young generation of people don't have any skill to repair a old moped. So they buy a scooter. It's easy to drive with them. You sit on an turn the gas tap. And you never have to clean the motorparts, for example the cylinder. And the other reason ist that the good factories of moped creators doesn't anymore exist because they are bankrupt. For example Zündapp or Kreidler. So they can't create new models of mopeds.

      If you want your moped quicker you have to tune it. For example with a 70 cubic cylinder. Or you can change the silencer with a racing silencer. If you want it complete tune you have change the little carburetor with a bigger one. But if the police see that you have tune the moped you have to pay very much money because tuning is ilegal. The quickest moped i have ever see is this (picture of Dirks (DJBassröhres)) moped (ich hoff ich darf das??????) The maximal speed is 120 Km/h.

      My hobby
      Mopeds are my hobby. I restore the old mopeds so they looks like new. And driving with them are very funny because if you have restore a moped an drive with it you know this is my work. My mopeds are a Kreidler Flory and a Zündapp CS50.
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      What are mopeds?
      A moped is a bike with a little engine with circa 3HP. There are some mopeds with an automatic clutch. This motor has only one gear and you just have to pull on the gas. It is very easy to drive with them but not as funny as with a manual geared engine. The most mopeds were manual geared with 4 or 5 gears. You have to control the clutch by yourself, so its a little more difficult to drive with.
      The engines need a mixture of oil and petrol.

      Why don`t you see so much mopeds today?
      The biggest reason is that the young generation of people don't have any skill to repair a old moped. So they buy a scooter. It's easy to drive with them. You sit on an turn the gas tap. And you never have to clean the motorparts, for example the cylinder. The other reason ist that the good factories of moped creators doesn't exist anymore because they are bankrupt. For example Zündapp or Kreidler. So they can't create new models of mopeds.

      If you want the moped to drive faster you have to tune it. For example with a 70 cubic cylinder. Or you can change the silencer with a racing silencer. If you want it complete tuned you have to change the little carburetor with a bigger one. But if the police see that you have tuned your motorcycle you have to pay very much money because tuning is illegal. The quickest moped i have ever seen is this (picture of Dirks (DJBassröhres)) moped (ich hoff ich darf das??????) The maximal speed is 120 Km/h, with 50ccm and 14HP. Kreidler is famous for their work with 50ccm, they made a 50ccm cylinder with nearly 22HP

      My hobby
      Mopeds are my hobby. I restore the old mopeds so they looks like new. And driving with them makes you very proud because if you have restored a moped and drive with it you know this is my work. My mopeds are a Kreidler Flory and a Zündapp CS50.

      Wenn ich dir noch irgendwas erklären soll musst nur sagen, etwa Vokabeln die ich verwendet habe oder so:
      clutch - Kupplung
      manual - Manuell
      HP - Horse Power - PS

      Anstatt silencer kannste auch exhaust nehmen, heist eigentlich erschöpft aber is glaub ich das Wort für Auspuff. Könnte auch noch sein das du alle drive oder driving mit ride tauschen musst, da man bei nem 2-Rad eher ride als drive sagt... Austauschen und dazuschreiben kann man noch viel aber ich muss noch Chemie lernen, vllt später heute noch, kann ich noch bisschen was dazu auf englisch reinschreiben, so genug editiert jetzt....:escht:

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von „Stefansky“ ()

      hehe genial, allerdings brauchst mich da drin nich zu vergöttern *ggg* ist mir aber auch egal, hab da nix gegen ^^

      aber es käme cooler wenn du mich gegen andi austauschst, denn da ist nochn krasser unterschied, nich nur in leistung sondern auch optik... kannst ihn ja mal fragen ;)

      ansonsten übersetz mal auf ig-mofarennen.de die presseberichte ins englische ;)

      im anhang andis moped, das is ma ein dinge ;)
      Gruß Dirk

      Eure Kurbelwelle ist hin? Keine Leistung?
      Kurbelwelle ausrichten, Zylinder(kopf) tunen
      und weitere Dienstleistungen hier
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      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von „DJBassröhre {MMO}“ ()

      What are mopeds?
      A moped is a MOTObike with a little engine with circa 3HP. There are some mopeds with an automatic clutch. This motor has only one gear and you just have to (turn)pull on the gas. It is very easy to drive with them but not as funny as with a manual geared engine. (the most gibbet es nich ;) )most mopeds were manual geared with 4 or 5 gears. You have to control the clutch by yourself, so its a little more difficult to drive with.
      The engines need a mixture of oil and petrol.

      Why don`t you see so much mopeds today?
      The biggest reason is that the young generation of people don't have any skill to repair aN old moped. So they buy a scooter BECAUSE(kommt besser) it's easy to drive with them. You sit on it and just turn the gas tap. And you never have to clean the (engine-??)motorparts, for example the cylinder. The other reason is that the good factories of moped creators doesn't exist anymore because they are bankrupt. For example Zündapp or Kreidler. So they can't create new models of mopeds.

      If you want YOUR moped drive faster, you have to tune it. For example with a 70 cubic cylinder. Or you can change the MUFFLER with a racing MUFFLER. If you want a high-end tuned mooed you have to change the little carburetor AGAINST a bigger one. But if the police NOTICE that you have tuned your MOPED you have to pay very much money because tuning is illegal. The FASTEST moped i have ever seen is this (picture of Dirks (DJBassröhres)) moped (ich hoff ich darf das??????) The TOPspeed is 120 Km/h, with a 50cm³ CYLINDER and 14HP. Kreidler is famous for their work with 50cm³ cylinders, they made a 50cm³ cylinder with nearly 22HP

      My hobby
      Mopeds are my hobby. I restore(wann das mal nich "wieder auffüllen ehist??naja ich glaub euch das mal...) old mopeds so they looks like new ONES. And driving with them makes you very proud because if you have restored a moped and drive with it you know this is YOUR work. My mopeds are a Kreidler Flory and a Zündapp CS50.

      so alles was gross iss hab ich mal verbessert und das in klamemr iss ein ersatz den ich besser finde...
      Hier auchnoch ein Bild von Andi:

      achja, du kannst ja auchnoch das eine Video von DJB´s cs zeigen wie der da langheizt mit seiner cs mit dem krassen sound, kennste das?
      MFG Herci-Freaky :keks:
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      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von „Herci-Freaky“ ()

      jo, danke schonmal für die verbesserungen und vorschläge. es ist eigentlich nicht so ein direktes referat sondern man muss halt flüssig vortragen können. darauf kommts hauptsächlich an.
      ich glaub ich schreib auch noch n paar moped marken auf und woher die kommen und wann sie entstanden sind. z.b. kreidler. zündapp, nsu, herci...
      Sie verliert kein Öl, sie markiert nur ihr Revier^^
      exhaust system = auspuff anlage...

      und nimm DjB's CS denn wenn du denen Andis Rennmaschine zeigst denken die Mopeds= 125er

      Am besten ds Vid wo man auf dem Autotacho sieht dass das Ding 110 rennt und das aktuelle vid wo er auf seiner haus strecke lang heizt....

      Sagt mal woher könnt ihr so gut English ???? Ich hab den Text zwar zu 90 % verstanden und kann auch fast alle zeiten hoch und runter, aber satz bau 0 ahnung, vokabel test hatte ich früher 5er und 6er jetzt 2er und 1er....

      Aber wo für gibts fächer wie Physik und chemnie und biologie(da kann ich euch fast alles über gehirn und rückenmark und nervenzellen erzählen...)
      ich kann das vid leider net zeigen weil ich keinen computer zur verfügung hab. das ganze referat sollte so ca.5 minuten gehen und dann fragen die noch 10 min. andere sach.
      ich kann überhaupt net gut englisch. ich schreib halt die wörter so, dass sich der satz "normal" anhört. drum hab ich es ja auch reingestellt
      Sie verliert kein Öl, sie markiert nur ihr Revier^^
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      RE: Englisch Referat

      What are mopeds?
      A moped is a bike with a little engine with about 3PS. There are some mopeds with automatic gearing. This motor changes self the gear. It is very easy to drive with them but not so funny like with a hand gear engine. The most mopeds have a handgear with 4 or 5 gears.
      The engines need a mixture of oil and petrol.

      Why don`t you see not so much mopeds today?
      The biggest reason is that the young generation of people don't have any skill to repair a old moped. So they buy a scooter. It's easy to drive with them. You sit on an turn the gas tap. And you never have to clean the motorparts, for example the cylinder. And the other reason ist that the good factories of moped creators doesn't anymore exist because they are bankrupt. For example Zündapp or Kreidler. So they can't create new models of mopeds.

      If you want your moped quicker you have to tune it. For example with a 70 cubic cylinder. Or you can change the silencer with a racing silencer. If you want it complete tune you have change the little carburetor with a bigger one. But if the police see that you have tune the moped you have to pay very much money because tuning is ilegal. The quickest moped i have ever see is this (picture of Dirks (DJBassröhres)) moped. The topspeed is about 120 Km/h.

      My hobby
      Mopeds are my hobby. I restore the old mopeds so they do look like a new one. And driving with them is very funny because if you have restored a moped and you drive with it you know this is my work. My mopeds are a Kreidler Flory and a Zündapp CS50.
      What are mopeds?
      A moped is a bike with a little engine with circa 3HP. There are some mopeds with an automatic clutch. This motor has only one gear and you just have to pull on the gas. It is very easy to drive with them but it's not as fun as with a manual geared engine. The most mopeds were manual geared with 4 or 5 gears. You have to control the clutch by yourself, so its a little more difficult to drive with.
      The engines need a mixture of oil and petrol.

      Why don`t you see so much mopeds today?
      The biggest reason is that the young generation of people don't have any skill to repair a old moped. So they buy a scooter. It's easy to drive with them. You sit on an turn the gas tap. And you never have to clean the motorparts, for example the cylinder. The other reason ist that the good factories of moped creators doesn't exist anymore because they are bankrupt. For example Zündapp or Kreidler. So they can't create new models of mopeds.

      If you want the moped to drive faster you have to tune it. For example with a 70 cubic cylinder. Or you can change the silencer with a racing silencer. If you want it complete tuned you have to change the little carburetor with a bigger one. But if the police see that you have tuned your motorcycle you have to pay very much money because tuning is illegal. The quickest moped i have ever seen is this (picture of Dirks (DJBassröhres)) moped (ich hoff ich darf das??????) The maximal speed is 120 Km/h, with 50ccm and 14HP. Kreidler is famous for their work with 50ccm, they made a 50ccm cylinder with nearly 22HP

      My hobby
      Mopeds are my hobby. I restore the old mopeds so they looks like new ones . And driving with them makes you very proud because if you have restored a moped and drive with it you know this is my work. My mopeds are a Kreidler Flory and a Zündapp CS50
      (Bilder von deinen)
      So, am Mittwoch muss ichs vortragen. Habs jetzt n bissle überarbeitet. Könntet ihr den Text auf Grammatik fehler untersuchen? Oder eigentlich auf alle Fehler??? Denn ich bin ne Niete in Englisch. THX.

      I want to talk about mopeds because I think mopeds are a great free time activity for me and other people.

      What are mopeds?
      A moped is a motobike with a little engine with circa 3HP. There are some mopeds with an automatic clutch. This engine has only one gear and you just have to turn on the gas. It is very easy to ride with them but not as funny as with a manual geared engine. The most mopeds were manual geared with 4 or 5 gears. You have to control the clutch by yourself, so its a little more difficult to ride with.
      The engines need a mixture of oil and petrol.

      Why don`t you see so much mopeds today?
      The biggest reason is that the young generation of people don't have any skill to repair a old moped. So they buy a scooter because it's easy to drive with them. You sit on an turn the gas tap. And you never have to clean the engineparts, for example the cylinder. The other reason ist that the good factories of moped creators doesn't exist anymore because they are bankrupt. For example Zündapp or Kreidler. So they can't create new models of mopeds.

      If you want your moped faster you have to tune it. For example with a 70 cubic cylinder. Or you can change the silencer with a racing silencer. If you want it complete tuned you have to change the little carburetor against bigger one. But if the police notice that you have tuned your moped you have to pay very much money because tuning is illegal. The fastest moped i have ever seen is this (picture of Dirks) moped. The topspeed is 120 Km/h, with 50ccm and 14HP. Kreidler is famous for their work with 50ccm, they made a 50ccm cylinder with nearly 22HP

      There are some races with mopeds. For example the “8 Stunden von Liedolsheim”. Here are the quickest mopeds of germany. This is Andy´s moped: Picture of it. Andy is one of the best moped driver in germany. Here you see the moped orginal and here after tuning. (picture)

      Famous creators are Hercules, Zündapp, Kreidler and NSU

      My hobby
      Mopeds are my hobby. I restore the old mopeds so they looks like new ones. And driving with them makes me very proud because if you have restored a moped and drive with it you know this is my work. My mopeds are a Kreidler Flory and a Zündapp CS50.

      This is the end of my presentation. Thanks for listening
      Sie verliert kein Öl, sie markiert nur ihr Revier^^
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      hbe ein paar fehler gefunden, bin aber zu faul die zu markieren, am besten du kopierst den ganzen text

      I want to talk about mopeds because I think mopeds are a great free time activity for me and other people.

      What are mopeds?
      A moped is a motorbike with a little engine with circa 3HP. There are some mopeds with an automatic clutch. This engine has only one gear and you just have to turn on the gas. It is very easy to ride with them but not as funny as with a manually geared engine. The most mopeds were manual geared with 4 or 5 gears. You have to control the clutch yourself, so its a little more difficult to ride with.
      The engines need a mixture of oil and petrol.

      Why dont you see so many mopeds today?
      The biggest reason is that the young generation of people don't have any skill to repair an old moped. So they buy a scooter because it's easy to ride with them. You sit on and turn the accelerator. And you never have to clean the engine parts, for example the cylinder. The other reason is that the good factories of moped creators dont exist anymore because they are bankrupt. For example Zündapp or Kreidler. So they can't create new models of mopeds.

      If you want your moped faster you have to tune it. For example with a 70 cubic cylinder. Or you can change the silencer with a racing silencer. If you want it completely tuned you have to change the little carburettor against bigger one. But if the police notice that you have tuned your moped you have to pay very much money because tuning is illegal. The fastest moped I have ever seen is this (picture of Dirks) moped. The top speed is 120 Km/h, with 50ccm and 14HP. Kreidler is famous for their work with 50ccm, they made a 50ccm cylinder with nearly 22HP

      There are some races with mopeds like the 8 Stunden von Liedolsheim. There are the quickest mopeds of Germany. This is Andy´s moped: Picture of it. Andy is one of the best moped drivers in Germany. Here you see the moped original and here after tuning. (picture)

      Famous creators are Hercules, Zündapp, Kreidler and NSU

      My hobby
      Mopeds are my hobby. I restore the old mopeds so they look like new ones. And driving with them makes me very proud because if you have restored a moped and drive with it you know that this is my work. My mopeds are a Kreidler Flory and a Zündapp CS50.

      This is the end of my presentation. Thanks for listening

      vorsicht, einmal editiert

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von „Jota“ ()

      hehe jo danke djado hab dein referat hergenommen und fehler überarbeitet bzw. herausgearbeitet und hab ne 1-2 bekommen muhaha danke dir ;) wär normalerweise vomr eferat ne 1 gewesen aber ich hab ned so frei gsprochen :)
      Und was soll ich jetz hierher schreiben??????
      Oder halt so, ist eine etwas abgeänderte form
      A moped is a bike with a little engine with about 3hp. There are some mopeds with an automatic clutch. This engine has only got one gear and you just have to turn the accelerator. It is very easy to ride them but it is not as much fun as with a manually geared engine. Most of the mopeds are manual geared with 4 or 5 gears. You have to control the clutch yourself, so it is a little more difficult to ride them.
      The engines need a mixture of oil and petrol because they have to lubricate
      the very fast moving piston. Otherwise the engine will seize up.
      But why don't you see so many mopeds today? The biggest reason is that the
      young generation of people do not have any skill to repair an old moped. That is why they buy a scooter, which is much easier to ride. You just sit on it and turn the accelerator.
      And you never have to clean the engine parts, the cylinder for example. Therefore a scooter is for someone who does not have
      any time or who only wants to ride his bike. The other reason is that
      the good factories of moped creators e.g. Zündapp or Kreidler do not exist anymore because they are bankrupt. So they can't create new models of
      If you want the moped to drive faster you have to tune it. There are some
      possibilities: You can mill the canals of your cylinder so that the
      cross-section is bigger than before or you can use a cylinder with a bigger
      drilling, for example a 70ccm cylinder. Or you do what most drivers do at
      first: They buy a racing exhaust. If you want it completely tuned you
      have to replace the little carburettor with a bigger one. But then you must
      coordinate the mixture of the air-gas mix, too. You can check your work if
      you look at the spark plug. If it is brown, it is the right mixture, if it
      is white, there is too much air in the mixture and if it is wet and black,
      there is too much gas in the mixture.
      The fasted 50ccm vehicle of the world was built by Kreidler in 1976. It had got 22hp and a top speed of 276km/h. But now there are not that many
      50ccm racers than before. The fastest one I have ever seen was a Zündapp. It has got 14hp and a top speed of 120km/h. It belonged to an 18-year-old boy.
      But tuning is not legal. If you have tuned your vehicle you are not allowed
      to use it on public roads. If you are caught by the police you have to do social work.
      Or your driving license is blocked until you are 21.
      Mopeds are my hobby. I restore the old mopeds so that they look like new
      ones. And driving with them makes you very proud because if you have
      restored a moped and ride it you know that this is your work
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      Niedi du Sack... :fuck: Najo, is scho OK. Schick mir mal deins.

      Danke@ grüneprima. Du hast aber schwere Vokablen genommen find ich.
      Kannst du mir die bitte übersetzten?
      moving piston

      Sie verliert kein Öl, sie markiert nur ihr Revier^^
      bin grüneprima, nur von dem account von meinem bruder
      a very fast moving piston-ein sich sehr schnell bewegender kolben
      to seize up- einen kolbenfresser bekommen
      possibilities- Möglichkeiten
      cross-section-durchschnitt(in der größe)
      mill-(metall) bearbeiten
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      My Hobby was Mofa´s and Moped´s
      What are mopeds?
      A moped is a bike with a little engine with circa 3PS. There are some mopeds with automatic gearing. This motor changes self the gear. It is very easy to drive with them but not so funny how with a hand gear engine. The most mopeds have a handgear with 4 or 5 gears.
      The engines need a mixture of oil and petrol.

      Why don`t you see not so much mopeds today?
      The biggest reason is that the young generation of people don't have any skill to repair an old moped. So they buy a scooter because It's easy to drive with them. You sit on an turn the gas tap. And you never have to clean the motorparts, for example the cylinder. And the other reason ist that the good factories of moped creators doesn't anymore exist because they are bankrupt. For example Zündapp or Kreidler. So they can't create new models of mopeds.

      If you want your moped quicker you have to tune it. For example with a 70 cubic cylinder. Or you can change the silencer with a racing silencer. If you want it complete tune you have change the little carburetor with a bigger one. But if the police see that you have tune the moped you have to pay very much money because tuning is ilegal. The quickest moped i have ever see is this The maximal speed is 120 Km/h with 50 ccm.

      Mopeds are my hobby. I restored the old mopeds so they looks like new. And driving with them are very funny because if you have restore a moped an drive with it you know this is my work. My mopeds are a Dkw Hummel from 1957 and a hercules prima 5s.

      is zwar fast das selbe aber en kumpl von meim bruder is halt auf der fachoberschule und is halt ziemlich gud in english und kanns dich in etwa drauf verlassen ausser der hat welche übersehn
      Und nochma dange dir ;)
      Und was soll ich jetz hierher schreiben??????